
Bead Chores

There is one thing about making beads that I do not enjoy, the chores. There is just no escaping chores no matter what one does in life, is there? I'm practically allergic to chores of all kinds, I don't know why, and bead chores are no exception.

Still, I do them because, like anything else, to get to the good stuff they have to be done.

Here are a few of my bead chores:

Mixing the bead release and dipping the mandrels in it

Occasionally cleaning my work surface, still lots of time before that becomes necessary.

Cleaning the beads after they come out of the kiln

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Anonymous said...

The chores might be yucky...but look at those beautiful french tips ;)

Jennifer said...

Well, how sweet of you to notice! ;-)

R said...

I was going to say the same thing. No guitar playing for you, eh? LOL

Jennifer said...

Rachel, I know! I go through phases with nails because of my guitar. I grow them out because I want pretty elegant looking hands, and then I get the urge to play my guitar and chop them all off without a second thought.

Anonymous said...

Lovely beads and lovely nails...I think you need a "chore assistant." I'd like a household chore assistant, please. ;)

Jennifer said...

Oh yes! An apprentice!

Jamie Dawn said...

In life, most really good things don't just "happen."
Good families take hard work.
Good food means it's gotta be cooked... work.
Good bodies take HARD work.
So it seems natural that those wonderful beads you make would take some not-so-fun work in order to reach the goal of beautious creations.

Avery Gray said...

I'm with you. Chores are yucky.