
Beads Interrupted

I have no new pictures to share, I spent my torch day in bed. I could post pictures of what happens to a house when Mom is sick, but let's be honest, no one really wants to see that, do they? I know I wish I hadn't.

I was tempted to go make a few beads yesterday because I have a few ideas for more bracelets I want to make floating around in my head, but somehow the combination of sneezing, hacking up a lung, and hot molten glass seemed like a really bad idea.

I think I'm on the mend now. We've had the flu sweep through our house, and I was its last victim. The trick-or-treating will not be canceled tomorrow, and for that my children are grateful. I'm grateful too because I think I can use my weakened state as an excuse to make my husband take them out begging for candy.

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Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm sure glad you're beginning to feel better. I got a flu shot a couple of weeks ago, and I was very concerned that I'd end up with a few mild flu symptoms. I didn't, thankfully. Take it easy and get better quickly (but not before the trick-or-treating)!

Jennifer said...

lol, thanks. We've never gotten flu shots, but I'm beginning to think maybe we should.