
Dots Dots Dots

As promised, I'm posting the dotty fruits of my labor yesterday. I still need work on the dots so I think I'll do some more on my next torch day.

Oh, and see that swirly bead in the center? That was a dotty bead gone bad. So, no mistakes only a new opportunity, right?

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piper said...

AMAZING! Your work, and creativity are stunning! I love your beads :)

Paul Nichols said...

Those are pretty. Nice work.

Gledwood said...

That's wonderful stuff... where do you get the chunky beads? And are they expensive?
I'm a guy but I used to make my own UV jewellery (including the beads) for club wear (you know, stuff that would glow under the socalled "blacklight"...)
If you can get back to me briefly at my main blog gledwood2.blogspot I'd be ever so grateful for your answer
I'll give your blog a little shout on mine tonight!
Vol 2...

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Great dot work! I think I like the "mistake" most of all! ;-)

Chickadeeva said...

Jennifer, these are so beautiful!

You are amazing.